北京内推 | Apple中国NLP团队招聘NLP/LLM方向算法实习生
AI 求职为大家精选人工智能领域最新鲜的招聘信息,助你先人一步投递,快人一步入职!
Apple is a place where extraordinary people gather to do their best work. Our community is made up of every kind of individual: artists and designers, engineers and scientists, thinkers and doers. Together we create things and experiences people once couldn’t have imagined — and now can’t imagine living without. So if you’re excited by the idea of making a real impact, a career with Apple might be your dream job. Just be ready to dream big. We're seeking highly qualified people for the position of AI engineer.Here’s an idea of what we do
1. Utilize NLP techniques to understand and analyze what users are most concerned about
2. Explore the practical applications of LLMs, including but not limited to answering questions based on knowledge DB, assisting with data analysis etc
3. Conduct research on the latest implementations and fine-tuning methods of LLMs, enabling their application to specific business scenarios
4. Evaluate program performance both qualitatively and quantitively, highlighting risks and opportunities
5. Participate in the development of projects to improve performance and efficiency
6. Help launch and track the implementation of pilot programs
Experience / Skills Required
1. Bachelor’s/Master’s/PhD in Computer Science, Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, or related field
2. Minimum commitment of 4 Days on site/wk, 3 months (prefer 6+)
3. Solid understanding of Deep Learning based NLP concepts and techniques, including AIGC, LLM, dialogue system, information extraction, etc
4. Familiarity with deep learning frameworks such as TensorFlow or PyTorch
5. Ability to communicate/present complex ideas effectively & efficiently
6. Coding required: Python, SQL, etc.
📪 bliu43@apple.com
*Please attach the internship duration and weekly working days.
京东零售内容算法部|快手模型与应用部|小红书社区搜索组|IDEA研究院|美团平台研发团队|商汤智慧城市事业群|网易互娱AI Lab|微信技术架构部|Avolution.AI团队|百度搜索策略部|蚂蚁集团|阿里达摩院视觉技术实验室|海康威视研究院|阿里巴巴淘天集团|阿里达摩院对话智能团队|第四范式大模型团队|美团流量安全团队|蚂蚁网商银行智能引擎团队|Sony AI|阿里达摩院OCR团队|OPPO研究院语音语义研究部|京东智能服务与产品部算法团队|阿里淘天集团客户满意中心|理想汽车智能座舱团队|阿里通义实验室对话智能团队|百度AIGC团队|光明实验室媒体内容生成团队|奇虎360|美团平台|元象XVERSE|Shopee内容搜索团队|VIVO影像算法研究部|蚂蚁集团机器智能团队|腾讯游戏AI大语言模型团队|京东广告研发部|阿里通义实验室对话智能团队|NVIDIA中国|腾讯混元大模型团队|秘塔科技
清华大学机器学习与推理课题组|北京大学网络信息处理实验室|哥本哈根大学计算机系|香港中文大学(深圳)孙启霖老师|圣路易斯华盛顿大学王晨光老师|北大光华管理学院彭一杰教授|大湾区大学余梓彤老师|纽约大学Pavel Izmailov老师|圣路易斯华盛顿大学黄佳新老师|南方科技大学魏鸿鑫老师|佛罗里达大学方若谷教授|香港城市大学赵翔宇老师|北京大学孔桂兰老师|新加坡科技设计大学段凌杰教授|香港中文大学宋永健老师|西蒙菲莎大学陈武阳老师|宁波东方理工大学沈晓宇老师|香港科技大学冯雁教授|香港科技大学(广州)李昊昂老师|鹏城实验室童倩倩老师|悉尼大学Hesham El Gamal教授|麦考瑞大学AIoT课题组|加州大学河滨分校董悦老师|西交利物浦大学颜宏盛副教授|北京大学张文涛教授|清华大学未来实验室人居组|波士顿学院Prof. Donglai Wei|华盛顿大学计算机系王晟老师|香港科技大学(广州)骆昱宇老师|伊利诺伊大学香槟分校张欢老师|西湖大学机器智能实验室|新加坡国立大学尤洋老师课题组|清华大学信息国家研究中心
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